Jason Momoa, popularly known as Aquaman, a DC Comics character played by him landed in Riyadh to participate in a conference organized by Saudi’s General Entertainment Authority called the Joy Forum. The organizers announced that “the initiative will bring together industry-leading global entertainment pioneers interested in investment and growth opportunities in the kingdom’s entertainment sector.”
Aquaman joins other Hollywood A-listed heroes Jacke Chan and Jean Claude van Damme to make the Saturday Night’s event a grand success. The event has gathered the eyes of the global entertainment industry as it is the first time since Jamal Khashoggi’s savage murder in 2018, the top Hollywood actors are invited by the industry.
The brochures of the event had taglines “top CEOs and thought leaders in global entertainment [and] an elite list of Hollywood and Bollywood celebrities.”
“People used to travel and spend money outside Saudi Arabia for entertainment. We want to bring that back into Saudi Arabia and create as many options as possible,” said Amr Banaja, CEO of Saudi Arabia’s General Entertainment Authority.
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