
Interesting Facts About the Harry Potter Series!

Fascinating and some unknown facts of the wizarding world

Interesting Facts About The Harry Potter Series!
Interesting Facts About The Harry Potter Series!

Expecto Patronum!! A lot of spells would pop into your mind when you say the name

Harry Potter.” Not only the spells that are interesting but the characters who made them special. There are so many bewitching facts to be known about the wizarding world. 

Here, we have some interesting facts about the Harry Potter series.

Peeves the poltergeist 

Potterheads who watched Harry Potter movies might have not known this character. Peeves the Poltergeist, one of the Hogwarts ghosts, is an annoying character as in his name. He is one of the characters who skipped the movie. 

Magic Motorcycle

The magic motorcycle Hagrid rode belonged to Harry’s godfather Sirius Black, who lent Hagrid after the Dark Lord attacked Harry’s family while mourning over his friends’ death.

Rowling as Harry’s mother

J . K. Rowling the creator of Harry Potter, was once offered to play Harry’s mother but eventually, she turned down the role.

The Chamber of Secrets was meant to less secret

In the beginning, Salazar Slytherin built the chamber in order to make it a classroom.

Because of his wicked mind, he used it for a diabolical purpose.

Loona Married to Neville?

Luna Lovegood is one of the weirdest characters in the Harry Potter series.  After the last war, Luna became a Magizoologist ( a keeper of fantastic beasts ) and later married the grandson of another weirdo Newt Scamander.

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