The story revolves around the Outer Banks of North Carolina and the thriller series witness following a gang of crazy teens who are trying to find their leader John B’s long lost father and the treasure he discovered.
But the twist at the end of Season 1 sees that John B and Sarah have been off to the Bahamas. This was the place where Sarah’s dad had moved the $400 million stolen in gold bullion.
Despite the co-director and producer Josh Pate believes that he could take the series for some more years.
Speaking to a source he said: “Ever since we started, we always viewed it as something that was probably like a four-season, maybe five-season show, but definitely four seasons.”
“We’ve sort of long-arced it out pretty far. I’m just hoping that we get a chance to actually tell those stories.”
Adding to this he said: “We feel like we really just played the opening round of that story.”
“And now that the audience knows our characters and the baseline engine of the mystery is going, we just feel like we have a lot more good twists and turns left to explore, so we’re excited for more.”
Sharing his views in yet another show he joked on what followers of the series can expect from season 2 if the online device renews the show.
He stated: “I’m pumped to hear people’s reaction and what they want to see in Season 2.”
In addition, he said: “This is a teenager who is about to take on the biggest journey of his life and do right by the memory of his father. “That’s really exciting to think about.”
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